Welcome to Aeries Online Enrollment
Guadalupe Union School District District logo

Aeries Online Enrollment allows you to quickly start the process of enrolling a new student for school. Information about the student such as emergency contacts, medical and language information will be collected and electronically sent to the school. Please have immunization records, contact names and addresses, and medical information available before starting.   


If your student is already enrolled in the District at either school site, DO NOT submit this online enrollment form. Instead, you will need to update your student's information using the "Parent Data Confirmation"  tab in your Parent Portal. To access the Parent Portal click HERE.  

Note: You must have a valid email address to use this system. Please click HERE to create a free Gmail address before getting started if you do not have an email account.

The Registration process takes approximately 20-30 minutes. If you are unable to complete the process in one sitting, you may save what you have completed and resume registration at a later time using your email address and the password you created. To resume data entry for a student, click the "Resume Enrollment" button.

To get started with enrolling a new student click the 'Enroll A New Student' button.

If you are experiencing issues with the online enrollment system, please contact the school office for assistance.

  • Mary Buren Elementary School Phone: 805-343-2411
  • Kermit McKenzie Junior High Phone: 805-343-2114